brass, Ø: 5,5cm, in wooden box with glass lid
antique brass, Ø: 11cm, H: 6cm
Compass with wind rose dial, copper/brass, Ø: 5cm, in wooden box
antique brass, Ø: 6,7cm, H: 2,5cm
brass, Ø: 5,7cm, H: 1,5cm, with wooden box
antique brass, Ø: 5cm, with leather case
in shape of pocket with chain, brass, Ø: 5cm, in wooden box
antique brass, gimbal mounted in wooden box, 11x11x7.5cm
Ø: 7,5cm, antique brass, in wood box with glass lid
compass, Ø: 7,5cm + telescope, L: 15cm,
brass, in wooden box with glass lid