Fisch, brass, 23x15cm
Lighthouse, brass, Ø: 18cm
antique brass on wooden base, H: 14cm, Ø: 8,5cm
Wheel, brass, 5,5x7,5cm
5 wooden dice, H: 7,5cm, Ø: 6 / 7,5 cm
white, 22,5x7x13cm
Compass Rose, brass, lacquered, 9,5x5,5cm
in shape of pocket with chain, brass, Ø: 5cm, in wooden box
3 hooks, brass
wood/brass, 21x13,5x6cm
wood/brass, 22,5x6x7cm
brass/copper, inside silverplated, H: 5cm, Ø: 4 / 5,5cm, in wooden box
Chess & Backgammon, wood, opened: 25,5x25,5x2,2cm
wood with glass lid, including double cards, 16x11,5x4cm