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with 5 dice, 6x6x6cm
mango wood/brass, 7,5x7,5x7,5cm
5 wooden dice, H: 7,5cm, Ø: 6 / 7,5 cm
wood with glass lid, 5 dice, 12,5x4x3,5cm
wood with glass lid, including double cards, 16x11,5x4cm
wood with glass in the top, including cards, 18x11,5x4cm
wood, including cards, 11x7,5x3,5cm
wood, including cards, 11x10x3,5cm
and dice in 14,5x12x4,5cm
Labyrinth, wood, Ø: 15,5cm
mango wood, Ø: 21,5cm, 2,3cm
3 wooden puzzle games in wooden box with glass lid, 17,5x6,5x6cm
wood, magnetic, 12,5x12,5x1,7cm
Chess & Backgammon, wood, opened: 25,5x25,5x2,2cm
double cards & 100 chips + dealer, in wood box, 18,5x11,5x7cm
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